Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tool #3: Finding Online Video and Image Resources

I found a coulple of useful videos on You Tube, but I can't say I'll be spending time searching for videos again.  I might, however, have students create "tutorial" videos that can be posted on You Tube or any of the other Tubes for that matter.  Here are the two videos I found:

Example of Computer Aided Drafting in the Classroom

Example of The CO2 Dragster Project

Copyright and fair use is simple:  if it's not yours,don't use it.

I'm not into the whole photo sharing online thing.  That's my wife's territory.   But I can see how kids could use Picasa when making projects for other classes.

These are some photos Kelley, my daughter, took and uploaded to Picasa.


  1. Dave, I LOVE your photos - what a Renassiance man you are! Collections of photos give such insight into how a kid sees his world. this activity could be very useful for your design class. XOXO

  2. Thanks, Eleanor. The photos are Kelley's, but she does take after me in that my photography (when I was really into it) also played with light like she does. That's my daughter....
