Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tool #7: Reaching Outside your Classroom: Online Digital Projects

My C02 Car project is wildly popular with students, and over the years I've tweaked the project so that it is now streamlined and highly successful. So my digital outreach project will use C02 Cars.
  1. Objective: Students will plan and build a C02 Car according to instructions while documenting each step of the project digitally.
  2. Implementation: Spring 2012
  3. Tools: wood, necessary shop power and hand tools, digital cameras, digital video cameras
  4. Project Plan: First, using Poll Everywhere, students will discover the importance of considering such physics qualities and velocity, mass/volume, rate, speed, etc. when planning a successful C02 car. Then students will proceed to plan and build the cars while photographing each step of their progress. Upon completion of the cars, the class will race the cars and determine the most successful plans. Races will be videotaped. Finally, students will make video slideshows to document the project and load their videos to You Tube.
  5. Networking Opportunities: We will share our digitally documented project with other wood shop classes via You Tube, and then follow up with a question and answer session via Skype.

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